Eleven weeks of using Wet and Forget Shower has boiled down to this moment.
If you read my original post on this product you know that I decided to conduct an 8 week experiment.
It’s tough to keep a shower clean when you work, take care of the kids, and it seems like you’re a full-time limo driver (sound familiar?).
This feeling persuaded me to try Wet and Forget Shower because it promised to be easy and safe to use.
Here’s the setup of my experiment
- Wet and Forget Shower was purchased with my own money
- The duration was going to be 8 weeks in length (but I’ll explain why it took 11)
- 3 vertical tiled areas and the shower door were sprayed with the product once per week
- Each treated section also had a control area adjacent to it to provide a comparison
- No other cleaning was done except for squeegeeing the floor tile
Are you tired of disgusting scum or mildew buildup in your shower? Me too!!
Wanna see my results? 🙂
Wet and Forget Shower: Performance on Tile and Grout
The directions on the Wet and Forget Shower container say to spray once per week then rinse with water.
This seems easy enough and I sprayed the shower on Sunday mornings (for some reason Sunday triggered my cleaning gene).
Our shower has tile and grout on three sides and a glass door. The biggest effect Wet and Forget made was on the grout lines.
Untreated grout lines appeared to have a reddish film over them, likely a result of soap scum and human oil.
Grout lines that received Wet and Forget Shower look great because this film is missing. And the grout seems to be back to its original color.
We never had a huge problem with our tiles getting soap buildup on them. And this is probably because our soap is liquid instead of solid. Treated tiles look fantastic and have no evidence of any soap film or mildew. The untreated tiles, on the other hand, have a slight film on them that you could scrape off with a fingernail.
Our shower has a seated bench at the far end. You can imagine that the area underneath this bench would be susceptible to mildew, big time.
Wet and Forget does a super job of eliminating this issue. The control area adjacent to the test area has signs of mildew growth as you can see in the picture.
I’d have to give Wet and Forget Shower an A+ for cleaning both tile and grout. For not doing anything more than spraying once a week and rinsing with water the results were pretty darn outstanding.
Wet and Forget Shower: Performance on Glass Shower Doors
Glass shower doors are notorious for accumulating soap scum buildup.
If you’re embarrassed about how bad your glass shower doors look we have a great tutorial.
After each shower, I use a squeegee to remove droplets of water from our shower doors. But I stopped doing this at the beginning of the Wet and Forget Shower experiment.
One half of the shower door (the right side in this case) was sprayed with Wet and Forget while the other half wasn’t.
There is a noticeable difference between the two sides. The untreated glass has a foggy appearance while the Wet and Forget side doesn’t. This is more noticeable when the shower gets wet but since I’d like to keep my camera in good shape you’ll have to trust me here.
You can explore my entire experiment by watching this video. Plus there are a few outtakes at the end that I share just to embarrass myself.
My Thoughts
Overall, I’d give Wet and Forget Shower an A for glass and this is only because the results weren’t as dramatic as they were for the grout.
This could be due to my shower doors being previously cleaned using the protocol I suggest in my post mentioned above.
Wet and Forget Shower will save you a ton of time cleaning. The time that you don’t necessarily have because of a busy schedule with kids, work, etc.
This is exactly why my experiment was 11 weeks instead of 8. I simply didn’t have a slot in my schedule to document the results at week 8 because of softball for my kids and other activities.
The second reason Wet and Forget Shower is a good choice is that it doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals like chlorine, ammonia, or acid. It uses surfactants that make it hard for soap scum, mildew, and mold to cling to surfaces.
Plus, it has a mild vanilla scent that even my wife (who has terrible allergies and asthma) doesn’t notice.
What’s Next
Our tutorial on cleaning grout is also a godsend – you’ll love the little brush we made!
If you’re doing a bathroom remodel and need help, join one of our online courses – they’ll make your bathroom renovation much easier!
Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to help.
Thanks as always for reading, watching, and being part of our awesome community.